Oceans of Hope

Oceans of Hope Challenge in Athens. The challenge was for two weeks, and I was on the second but on the Friday evening before we sailed MS Athens organised an…

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An update on MS research by Dr Hamish Campbell When asked what excites Dr Hamish Campbell about the future of multiple sclerosis (MS) research, his eyes light up. “Remyelination,” he…

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MS & Parkinson’s New Year Update

typewriter with update written on paper

The Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Team welcome in 2023 and look forward to providing you with support and services over the year Exercise Programmes and classes: Our exercise classes and…

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Exercise Co-ordinator

We are looking for an Exercise coordinator to join our team. Does this sound like you or do you know someone that would suit this position? Then have a look…

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Member Update

We are pleased to announce the appointment our new Executive Manager Karla Gunby who will be taking up the operational leadership and management of MS & Parkinson’s Canterbury from 11th…

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Contact Tracing Without A Smart Phone

We know that many of our members don’t have smart phones that can utilise the Government’s Track and Trace App. However, we have found that Regional Public Health have come…

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Street Appeal 2020

Thank you so much to all our volunteers, helpers and donators who gave their time and money to help our Street Appeal be a success. Although we did have to…

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