
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Canterbury Charitable Trust

Provides services and support for those with or affected by MS or Parkinson’s, which are life-long chronic neurological conditions.

Delivering high quality services that empower and promote self-management and well-being to those living with MS and Parkinson’s in Canterbury.

Our kaupapa is to support and enable people with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s and their whānau to live well in their communities.



MSPC has supported the Canterbury community for 60 years. In 2022 the society changed to a trust to remove an annual subscription fee ensuring equity of service and a larger reach in to the Canterbury region.

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Our Mission is to support and enable people with MS and Parkinson's and their whanau to live well.

Our Strategic Objectives are:

  • Service delivery
  • Organisational Sustainability
  • Accessibility and profile
  • Collaboration and engagement
  • Digital pathways

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Our organisation adheres to good practices as outlined in our Trust Deed.

We ensure diversity in our staff appointments and have a representative from the disability sector on our board.

Our board has seven trustees with the ability to have up to two representatives with Parkinson's and/or Multiple Sclerosis.

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Our incredible team is small but mighty

Lead by Manager Amelia Davis, we have three Health & Wellbeing Advisors, an Exercise Physiologist, Admin Superstar, and a Fundraising and Marketing Manager. We are supported by a fantastic group of volunteers.

Together we work hard to ensure we provide high quality services.




More than 80 % of the funds needed to run our organisations comes from sponsors, donors, funders, and grants.

Currently there are no dedicated services available specifically for people with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s in our region.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that enables us to provide these essential services.

Check out all our generous donors




Our Mission is to support and enable people with MS and Parkinson's and their whanau to live well.

Our Strategic Objectives are:

  • Service delivery
  • Organisational Sustainability
  • Accessibility and profile
  • Collaboration and engagement
  • Digital pathways

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