Resources in the Canterbury community & recommended websites PARKINSON’S WEBSITES Parkinson’s New Zealand Parkinson’s Australia Parkinson’s Foundation (USA) Parkinson’s UK European Parkinson’s Disease Association American Parkinson’s Disease Association Michael J. Fox Science of Parkison's Play Video This short video is by Andy McDowell in Auckland. It is helpful for those with young families who want a general idea of what it means to have young onset PD. Check out his other videos as well MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS WEBSITES MS New Zealand MS Australia MS Trust UK National Society MS (USA) European MS Platform MS International Federation MS International Federation on research International Organisation MS Nurses -Patient website Menzies Institute University Tasmania - Register for MS course—offered twice a year MS Brain Health Overcoming MS MSNZ have released a series of videos which were filmed with Dr Terry Wahls and Dr Jonathan White. They can be found here: Diet and Nutrition Video OTHER HELPFUL WEBSITES Australia Sleep Health Foundation Sleep Foundation (USA) National Institute Neurological Diseases & Stroke (USA) National Organization Rare Disease (NORD) International Parkinson’s & Movement Disorder Society MSA Trust UK General wellbeing--Small steps Health Navigator COMMUNITY RESOURCES Aspire Canterbury Southern Music Therapy Exercise as Medicine The Mobile Podiatrist – Louise Nixon On the Go Physio