Lockdown Staff Blogs – Robin

Greetings everyone, this is Service Manager, Robin Furley. Our staff team is going to take turns with regular contributions to our page here.

Yesterday was day one of our ‘work-cation’, and weather-wise it was a glorious late summer day. We are all working from home and we are thankful for the technology that allows us to do so. Occasionally the systems get overloaded and we just have to be patient and wait to make that phone call.

I have an extensive edible garden and am enjoying the last of the berries, apples and tomatoes, as well as salad greens. Yesterday I put in some more seeds and seedlings. I can track their progress over the next few weeks. I’ve covered my broccoli, caulis and kale with woven frost cloth, which acts as a mini greenhouse. I planted some skinny little leeks a while ago, some were covered and some left uncovered. The shelter of the cloth which allows light and water through it, but keeps out white cabbage butterflies, is amazing. The covered leeks are at least twice the size of the uncovered ones.


I hope people are managing their daily lives right now.

Remember you can contact us by email or messaging through Facebook.

Warmest wishes for health, Robin