Footloose Fun Walk




The Footloose Fun Walk, Run & Wheel event was back this year during Parkinson’s Awareness Week, promoting the role of regular exercise in maintaining good health. This event was better than ever, with over 150 people participating on a balmy but very gusty Sunday.

img-2North Hagley Park was filled with Society members and their families as well as by members of the public who had also registered for the event.

They were joined by Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and the Society’s Patron, Hon. Ruth Dyson, who opened the event with a warm address and set the participants off.

It was very rewarding to see so many people supporting the Society and everyone had a great time taking part in the walk/run. While some chose to walk 2km, others pushed themselves to complete 5km and still others rounded the park twice for a 10km run.

SONY DSCThere were games for the kids and a range of refreshments for everyone. We raised over $2,000 through registration fees, raffles, the sale of food, and sponsorship.

We would like to thank our volunteers for giving so generously of their time to help marshal the event and run the games and sausage sizzle, as well as our fantastic sponsors.

Thank you to all who participated in the Footloose Fun Walk and we look forward to seeing you again next year!


We are enormously grateful to the local businesses that sponsored this year’s Footloose with fantastic raffle prizes:

Most of them are regular sponsors of our society’s events and we encourage you to direct your business their way so that they may be able to continue to lend a hand to community organisations such as ours.