Safe Driving Courses with Age Concern Canterbury

Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Canterbury is partnering with Age Concern to deliver a free safe driving course presented by Wendy Fox.

The Staying Safe Refresher Driver Course, which is run with the support of Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Authority) is a free 4-hour, a classroom-based workshop designed to help improve the road safety of seniors.

The course covers four key themes:

  • Keeping Safe – Assessing your driving safety and how aging affects driving safety
  • Being Safe – Key factors affecting driving safety, driving analysis, decision making and route planning
  • Safe Journeys – Intersections and give way rules, roundabouts, open road driving, and other road situation.
  • Keep moving safely – We briefly cover the license renewal process for those over 75’s and safe alternatives to driving.


The next class is on 27th June 2023 10am - 2pm at BrainTree Wellness Centre


Registration is essential.  Contact the office on 03 366 2857 or email