Events and Activities at MS & Parkinson's Canterbury

There are always several events and activities for our service users and their support. If you have any questions about any of the events or if you are interested in attending, please ring the office on 03- 366 2857 or book you peer support group by clicking button below



Open to All

2          Open Gym Group Register to attend


Weekly Peer Lead Exercise 

Nordic Walking every Friday at 10am at Hagley Park Car Park Register to attend


Parkinson's Groups

5          Parkinson's Ashburton Group Register to attend

5          Parkinson's Rangiora Group Register to attend

6          Parkinson's Spouse/Partners Group Register to attend

8          Parkinson's Thursday Group Register to attend

13        VAMP – Group full

15        Parkinson’s Prebbleton Group - Register to attend

19        Parkinson's UPBEAT under 65 Register to attend

20        Parkinson's Tuesday Group Register to attend


Multiple Sclerosis Groups

14        MS Ashburton - Register to attend

16        MS Hayley's Group, 10.30am Black & White, Kaiapoi - Register to attend

21        MS Wednesday  Group Register to attend

24        MS Saturday Peer Support, LB & Co, 118 Creyke Rd, Ilam. 10am to 12pm - More info

31        MS SMYELIN under 45 Register to attend

TBC     MS Rolleston – 2.30pm @ Pedal Pusher Rolleston



Events, Education, and Clinics

6             Podiatry – Call to book

14           Rangiora Clinic